Manhattan Hong Kong Kitchen Cabinet general cleaning/ maintenance
We will keep our Manhattan Kitchen Cabinet’s User Manual short and clear here, rather than making you to ready pages. Yet, if you request a full version of Manhattan Kitchen Cabinet’s user manual, you are welcome to drop us an email and it will be sent to you via email.
Manhattan HK Kitchen Cabinet
Wood and veneer of the highest quality have been used in the manufacture of these doors and drawer fronts. The lacquered finish gives a tough hard wearing surface, but yet, any spillages should be wiped away IMMEDIATELY, following which a wipe over with a slightly damp cloth with restore the former finish. The same apply to High gloss lacquer and Melamine laminate doors and drawer fronts, but finish wiping with a dry cloth.
You may wish to clear your home and Manhattan HK kitchen with bleach or washing up liquid, yes you may, but keep the bleach ratio at 1:99; washing up liquid- only a little amount, again finish cleaning with a dry wipe. NEVER let the doors and drawer fronts in water/ wet.
Recommend to find a professional countertop technician to maintain your countertop as different material of countertop requires different maintenance methods such as polish. For simple countertop cleaning: any spillages should be wiped away IMMEDIATELY, following which a wipe over with a slightly damp cloth and to finish with a dry cloth wipe.
Little tips:
1) Use soft cloth
2) Make sure the cloth does not contain any sharp or pointer object which will leave the door and drawer fronts in scratch.
-- In keeping with our policy of continuous development, we reserve the right to amend the specification referred to in these instructions without prior notice.
-- In the event of a product specification discontinuation, we reserve the right to offer a suitable alternative to an equivalent specification. |